boutique hotels for campus + community
campus amenity
SMART Hotels' campus locations and amenities differentiate colleges and universities from competing institutions.


Campus visitors prefer hotel locations on, or within walking distance of, campus:

  • Eliminate search for scarce parking
  • Permit easy movement between multiple campus locations
  • Allow immersion in student life atmosphere

Campus hotels benefit colleges and universities:

  • Promote return trips by Alumni
  • Leave prospective students and parents and faculty and administrative hires with lasting favorable impressions
  • Permit more productive visits by those doing business with the college
  • Generate goodwill with incidental visitors

SMART Hotels provide important campus amenities:

  • Ease parking problems
    • Guests' cars remain on-site while walking campus or riding hotel-issued bikes
    • Opposite peak-demand times allows sharing of hotel parking spaces
    • Additional campus parking may be incorporated into hotel project
  • Conference facilities
  • Accommodate strong demand for on-campus hotel rooms
  • Serve visiting/commuting faculty and administrators
  • Quality design, operation and green-building features reinforce image
  • Hotel staff, website and cable links promote university
  • Alumni association membership discounts
  • First-priority booking for peak-demand dates (e.g., alumni and sporting events, commencement, etc.)

SMART Hotels are tailored to fit each site, campus + community:

  • Intimate and service-oriented
  • Unique boutique (not generic)
  • Quality atmosphere and architectural character
  • Complement existing context with appropriate setbacks, materials, scale and use